
BDAI重点实验室研究生沙龙第37期:Long-Form Video-Language Pre-Training with Multimodal Temporal Contrastive Learning



报告题目:Long-Form Video-Language Pre-Training with Multimodal Temporal Contrastive Learning





Large-scale video-language pre-training has shown significant improvement in video-language understanding tasks. Previous studies of video-language pretraining mainly focus on short-form videos (i.e., within 30 seconds) and sentences, leaving long-form video-language pre-training rarely explored. Directly learning representation from long-form videos and language may benefit many long-form video-language understanding tasks. However, it is challenging due to the difficulty of modeling long-range relationships and the heavy computational burden caused by more frames. In this paper, we introduce a Long-Form VIdeo-LAnguage pre-training model (LF-VILA) and train it on a large-scale long-form video and paragraph dataset constructed from an existing public dataset. To effectively capture the rich temporal dynamics and to better align video and language in an efficient end-to-end manner, we introduce two novel designs in our LF-VILA model. We first propose a Multimodal Temporal Contrastive (MTC) loss to learn the temporal relation across different modalities by encouraging fine-grained alignment between long-form videos and paragraphs. Second, we propose a Hierarchical Temporal Window Attention (HTWA) mechanism to effectively capture long-range dependency while reducing computational cost in Transformer. We fine-tune the pre-trained LF-VILA model on seven downstream long-form video-language understanding tasks of paragraph-to-video retrieval and long-form video question-answering, and achieve new state-of-the-art performances. Specifically, our model achieves 16.1% relative improvement on ActivityNet paragraph-to-video retrieval task and 2.4% on How2QA task, respectively.

报告题目:Debiased, Longitudinal and Coordinated Drug Recommendation through Multi-Visit Clinic Records





AI-empowered drug recommendation has become an important task in healthcare research areas, which offers an additional perspective to assist human doctors with more accurate and more efficient drug prescriptions. Generally, drug recommendation is based on patients’ diagnosis results in the electronic health records. We assume that there are three key factors to be addressed in drug recommendation: 1) elimination of recommendation bias due to limitations of observable information, 2) better utilization of historical health condition and 3) coordination of multiple drugs to control safety. To this end, we propose DrugRec, a causal inference based drug recommendation model. The causal graphical model can identify and deconfound the recommendation bias with front-door adjustment. Meanwhile, we model the multi-visit in the causal graph to characterize a patient’s historical health conditions. Finally, we model the drug-drug interactions (DDIs) as the propositional satisfiability (SAT) problem, and solving the SAT problem can help better coordinate the recommendation. Comprehensive experiment results show that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the widely used datasets MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV, demonstrating the effectiveness and safety of our method.

